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Category Archives: Speaking Engagements


Doug Kertscher Speaks at The Seminar Group Event

By Hill, Kertscher & Wharton, LLP |

Partner Doug Kertscher recently presented at the 19th Annual Labor & Employment Seminar in Atlanta.  Doug’s presentation covered the latest trends and legislative developments in Restrictive Covenant and Non-Compete law.  To see pictures from the event, click here. 

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Doug Kertscher Speaks at Employment Conference

By Hill, Kertscher & Wharton, LLP |

Partner Doug Kertscher recently spoke at the Managing a Workforce in 2023 seminar sponsored by Ogletree Deakins. The well-attended event was held at Zoo Atlanta’s Savanna Hall and focused on the latest human resources and employment-related legal developments. Doug’s presentation covered workplace litigation due to common employer mistakes and how to avoid them.  Great… Read More »

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Steve Hill Speaks at 11th Annual IP SpringPosium

By Hill, Kertscher & Wharton, LLP |

Steve Hill recently served as a panelist at the 11th Annual Atlanta Bar Association Intellectual Property SpringPosium. This premier event was held at Barnsley Garden in northern Georgia. Steve’s session was titled “Managing IP Litigation for the Law Firm and Client”. For more information, please see the press release here.

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Doug Kertscher Speaks at American Bar Association Mid-winter Meeting

By Hill, Kertscher & Wharton, LLP |

Doug Kertscher recently served as a panelist at the American Bar Association Employment Section Mid-winter meeting in Naples, FL. Doug’s session was titled “Have You Seen Her Twitter? Balancing Thorough Investigations and Privacy Rights” and discussed complex legal issues related to the review by employers of personal social media and electronic devices of employees.

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Steve Hill Speaks at AIVMA

By Hill, Kertscher & Wharton, LLP |

Steve Hill recently spoke to a large group of members from the Atlanta Internet Video Marketing Association about copyright issues involved in online video publication and related issues. Click here for more information about the event, and here for pictures.

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